Randy Dorcey,
Estate Planning Specialist
Dr. Randolph B. Dorcey is a practicing Estate Planning Specialist. He is also an educator and public speaker. Randy’s passion is helping people gain greater financial stability in reaching their retirement goals. Due to his compassion and the understanding of his client’s needs as they got older, Randy needed to transition his clients toward more suitable products and services to provide for a more successful Retirement. This included Estate Planning. To help meet those needs, in 1988 Randy became the founder of Dorcey and Associates, which then became Dorcey Financial, LLC. Further supplementing his services to assist retirees in having their desired levels of income, Randy has teamed up with Retirement Income Store of SW Florida.
Randy has dedicated the last 36 years to educating his clients on how to help use their money to achieve their life’s goals in retirement and beyond. As a public speaker, Randy provides Living Trust and Trust Funding legacy presentations for groups of all sizes including churches, religious denominations, publicly traded companies, non-profits, civic organizations, homeowner/condo associations, and other financial institutions. Randy specializes in asset preservation, helping lower taxes, and understanding social security maximization, as well as helping to protect your estate from nursing home depletion.
As teamwork is essential in any plan, with his doctorate in communication, Randy can help his clients understand the value and the benefits of a fully funded Florida Living Trust. He clearly defines why you need to leave an efficient legacy while maintaining privacy and control. Randy started with a vision to exceed the industry standards as a financial advisor representative. One of his main goals was to make sure that his clients were fully educated and informed on the need for estate planning. This way he could assist them in avoiding the high costs and time associated with probate and guardianship proceedings.
Randy lives in Fort Myers, Florida, with his wife of nearly 50 years, Franci. He enjoys golfing, fishing, hunting, traveling, and boating the beautiful waters of southwest Florida. Their four children are married to wonderful spouses and their six grandchildren, as you can imagine, keep them very busy.